

What Are the Key Considerations for Repurposing Video Content?

In the fast-paced world of social media, repurposing video content effectively is crucial for engagement. We’ve gathered insights from CEOs and marketing experts, covering everything from using emojis sparingly in subtitles to sharing behind-the-scenes footage for relatability. Here are the top nineteen strategies they recommend to keep your videos fresh and captivating for your audience.

Repurposing Video Content

What Are the Key Considerations for Repurposing Video Content?

Tip 1

Use Emojis Sparingly In Subtitles

Tim Hanson - Featured

While emojis can add personality and visual interest, overdoing it can make your content appear unprofessional and cluttered. And let’s not forget that emojis can be puzzling for some, leading to misinterpretation of your message.

Instead, focus on crafting clear, concise, and engaging subtitles that stand on their own. Use emojis sparingly and strategically to emphasize key points or evoke specific emotions. Remember, your ultimate goal is to communicate your message effectively, not to create a rainbow of emojis.

Tip 2

Align Content With Current Trends

Tristan Harris - Featured

Tristan Harris, Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

When repurposing video content for social media, one crucial factor I always consider is the trend, spike, or timing of the topic. This approach has consistently yielded impressive results for our clients.

Recently, we worked with a fitness equipment brand looking to repurpose their long-form workout videos for social media. Instead of simply chopping up the content randomly, we closely monitored social media trends and search spikes related to fitness. We noticed a surge in interest around quick, at-home workouts during lunch breaks.

Capitalizing on this trend, we extracted short, high-impact segments from the original videos, focusing on 5-minute workouts that could be done with minimal equipment. We then optimized these clips for each platform – creating vertical videos for TikTok and Instagram Reels, and square formats for Facebook and LinkedIn.

The results were remarkable. One repurposed video showcasing a “5-minute desk-side cardio burst” went viral on TikTok, garnering over 2 million views and driving a 300% increase in traffic to our client’s website. This success wasn’t just about the content itself, but about delivering the right content at the right time on the right platform.

To ensure the repurposed content remains engaging, we always add platform-specific elements. For instance, we overlay trending music on TikTok videos, use native text features on Instagram, and include captions for silent viewing on LinkedIn. We also tailor the call-to-action for each platform, directing viewers to the most appropriate next step, whether that’s visiting a website, following an account, or engaging with more content.

By aligning repurposed content with current trends and optimizing for each platform, businesses can dramatically increase their social media engagement and effectively extend the life and reach of their video content.

Tip 3

Shoot In High Resolution For Flexibility

Senthil m - Featured

Senthil m, Founder/Cinematographer, t-eight pte ltd

When engaging a video service provider, specify that your video content should be shot in 6K or higher resolution. This approach future-proofs your videos, providing greater flexibility for cropping and resizing for social media. Shooting in 8K or 6K and delivering in 4K results in superior image quality compared to shooting and delivering in 4K. Additionally, it offers more opportunities for repurposing and re-editing your videos.

For context, consider the quality of DVD movies from the past. Despite being in a compressed format, DVDs looked good because they originated from film. Similarly, future-proofing your content by shooting in higher resolutions ensures better quality and versatility.

Tip 4

Edit For Short-Form Social Media Success

Daniel Willmott - Featured

One key factor businesses should consider is the length of the video. Short-form videos, typically under a minute, tend to perform best on most social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. It’s also one major reason why we focus on short-form videos in our strategies as a video editing and marketing agency.

To ensure your content remains engaging and effective even if it’s repurposed, focus on editing the videos in a way that they deliver your message quickly and clearly—within the first few seconds. At the same time, make sure you’re using eye-catching visuals and a strong call to action. Remember, attention spans are short on social media, so grab your audience’s interest right from the start.

Tip 5

Adjust Fonts And Audio For Each Platform

Patrick Beltran - Featured

Patrick Beltran, Marketing Director, Ardoz Digital

Always make sure your fonts and audio fit each platform when repurposing video content for social media, and steer clear of watermarks. Instagram has pointed out that watermarks detract from the Reels experience, making such content harder to discover in areas like the Reels tab.

At Ardoz, we regularly adjust our video posts for each platform. This means the text and audio are tailored to fit wherever they’re posted.

Why do we do this? To avoid being pushed down in search results, as many social media algorithms can detect when you’ve used features not native to their platforms. For instance, when we adapt video content, we start by removing any TikTok watermarks and then add Instagram-specific text over the original TikTok text.

Next, we search for the original TikTok audio within Instagram’s options and use it on Reels. By making these adjustments with text and audio, we ensure our content aligns well with Instagram’s algorithm. We also use social media management tools to plan, schedule, and analyze our Instagram Reels and TikTok videos, keeping our content both engaging and effective.

Tip 6

Tailor Videos To Platform Audience Preferences

Gert Kulla - Featured

As an expert in digital content strategy, one key factor businesses should consider when repurposing video content for social media is understanding the platform’s unique audience and best practices. The most engaging social videos are tailored to how viewers actually consume content on that channel.

For example, on TikTok, videos under 60 seconds with eye-catching visuals or effects tend to gain more traction than longer, polished corporate videos. Repurposing a 2-minute YouTube video by trimming it down and adding on-trend text overlays is likely to make the content more engaging on TikTok.

Testing different edits and formats, analyzing performance data, and staying on top of changing platform algorithms will ensure your repurposed video content remains effective. The goal is to balance your brand style and messaging with what your target viewers respond to on each platform. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, adapt your videos to connect with audiences in the spaces where they are most active.

Tip 7

Create Engaging Intros For Social Videos

Dragos Badea - Featured

You are likely going to need a new intro. The first few seconds are crucial to hook a viewer on social media, and this is something that is traditionally not taken into account with repurposed video. They tend to start slower due to their being for a different audience and a different platform, and will have their performance hampered because of that when put on social media. You can keep the bulk of the content the same if it was already relatively engaging and would be of interest to the general public, but I highly recommend looking into the first 5 to 10 seconds of the video and seeing what can be done to make it more in line with the platform to which you are posting.

Tip 8

Maintain Emotional Connection In Edits

Danilo Miranda - Featured

Danilo Miranda, Managing Director, Presenteverso

One important factor to consider when repurposing our video content for social media is the emotional connection, especially in our company, where personalization is a top priority. When we edit our videos, we make sure that they speak to the hearts of our audience, emphasizing the joy and thoughtfulness behind selecting the perfect gift, and this requires genuinely understanding who our followers are and what resonates with them.

We seek to create content that’s not just promotional but also gives warmth and happiness, making our service more relatable and our brand more memorable because an emotional touch can turn a simple video into a powerful message, deepening our connection with existing and potential customers.

Tip 9

Incorporate Interactive Social Media Features

Will Yang - Featured

Will Yang, Head of Growth & Marketing, Instrumentl

When repurposing video content for social media, one key factor to focus on is adding interactive elements. These can be clickable links, swipe-up features, or interactive overlays. The goal is to transform passive viewers into active participants. For instance, if your video highlights a new service, a clickable link can direct audiences straight to a sign-up page or a detailed article. Interactive elements keep your audience engaged and invested in your content. Swipe-up features on platforms like Instagram allow users to effortlessly access more information without leaving the app.

For example, a nonprofit showcasing a success story can use a swipe-up link to direct viewers to donation pages or behind-the-scenes content, deepening their connection with the cause. Integrating these elements requires clear calls to action and a seamless user experience. Ensure that your interactive features are well-placed and relevant to the video’s content. This strategy helps keep viewers engaged and makes your video content not just watchable, but actionable.

Tip 10

Leverage Customer Testimonials For Trust

Cale Loken - Featured

When businesses reuse video content for social media, they must focus on keeping it engaging and effective. Converting customer testimonials into Facebook cover videos is a smart idea. These videos show real customer stories, helping viewers trust the brand and want to learn more.

Using customer testimonials in video ads is also powerful. It builds trust with potential customers by showing real feedback and using visuals that appeal to them. It’s important to make sure each video fits the platform and speaks to its audience. This approach helps reinforce the brand’s values and encourages viewers to take action.

Tip 11

Localize Content For Cultural Relevance

Mary Tung - Featured

Mary Tung, Founder & CEO, Lido.app

One crucial factor businesses should consider when repurposing video content for social media is localization. Tailoring your videos to resonate with different regional or cultural audiences makes them more relevant and engaging. Imagine you’re trying to reach viewers in different countries or even diverse cultural groups within the same country. A one-size-fits-all approach often falls flat. For example, a video that performs well in the U.S. might not resonate in the same way in Japan due to cultural nuances and different preferences.

Ensuring the video remains effective and engaging involves more than just translating language. Pay attention to cultural references, local slang, symbols, and even color schemes that appeal to specific regions. Think of it as speaking directly to their hearts, understanding their unique context, and showing you value their individuality. This effort to localize—not just translate—makes your audience feel seen and appreciated, boosting their connection to your brand and willingness to engage with your content.

Tip 12

Optimize Clips For Social Media Engagement

Anupreet Kaur, Content and Digital Marketing Manager, Mitt Arv

Anupreet Kaur - Featured

One key factor businesses should consider when repurposing video content for social media is editing. Cutting a full-length video into shorter clips optimized for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter can ensure it remains engaging and effective.

For example, trimming long-form videos into 15- to 60-second clips that highlight the most compelling moments is ideal for grabbing viewers’ attention on social platforms where most consumers have short attention spans. Keeping the pace fast by removing any lingering shots or long pauses will help maintain interest. Editing the video to feature an action, joke, or interesting fact at the beginning can create intrigue and prompt viewers to keep watching.

Ultimately, proper editing that optimizes the video for the specific social platform through short, snappy clips and an attention-grabbing start is essential to make repurposed content engaging and successful at driving results like increased traffic, leads, and sales.

Tip 13

Respect Original Video Context And Rights

Victor Hsi - Featured

Victor Hsi, Founder & Community Manager, UGC Creator

One key factor businesses should consider when repurposing video content for social media is to understand and respect the original context of the video.

Not all video content is made with social media in mind, and it’s crucial to ensure the repurposed content fits well within the platform it’s being posted to. This involves editing or clipping the video in a way that suits the fast-paced and short attention-span nature of social media users, while maintaining the core message of the content.

Additionally, when using User-Generated Content (UGC) videos from customers, businesses must obtain explicit approval from the original creators and their status as a customer.

This is important not only to respect the rights of the creators but also to build a trustworthy relationship with them. Ensuring that the content is from a trusted source who isn’t a competitor verifies the authenticity of the content, which can significantly enhance the engagement and effectiveness of the social media campaign.

Tip 14

Ensure Consistent Brand Voice Across Platforms

Daisy Cabral - Featured

Your brand voice and messaging are important considerations when repurposing video content for social media. Maintaining a consistent brand voice across all platforms, including social media, helps reinforce your brand identity and build trust with your audience. Consistency in tone, language, and style ensures that your brand is easily recognizable and memorable. You don’t want to confuse your audience by not having a consistent voice, as this can be off-putting and decrease important metrics such as engagement.

Repurposing video content that aligns with your brand voice also contributes to long-term brand-building efforts. Over time, consistent messaging helps shape perceptions and strengthens brand recall among your followers via social media. People remember you for who you are, and what your brand means, which strengthens that loyalty over time.

And while maintaining a consistent brand voice, it’s also essential to adapt messaging to suit different social media platforms and audience preferences. This flexibility allows you to maximize the impact of your repurposed video content while staying true to your brand identity.

Tip 15

Add Captions For Silent Scrollers

Sergey Galanin - Featured

Sergey Galanin, Director of SEO, Phonexa

Businesses should consider adding captions to their repurposed videos. As of last year, 85% of social media users admitted to scrolling with the volume off. Users need videos they can watch without sound, and captions increase the accessibility and engagement of the content. Therefore, it makes the posts more relevant and effective. Content with captions is also easy to understand, even in noisy or odd environments; for example, in the office, viewers can relate to the posts. It also offers an SEO boost, as search engines use text-based content to make videos searchable.

Tip 16

Provide Educational Value In Content

Casey Meraz - Featured

One key factor businesses should consider when repurposing video content for social media is educational value. Offering informative content that addresses common questions or challenges in your industry can significantly boost engagement. People love learning new things, especially if it helps solve their problems or makes their lives easier. For law firms, providing insights into legal processes, common legal pitfalls, or even basic legal rights can create a strong connection with your audience.

To ensure this approach remains engaging and effective, focus on clarity and relatability. Use simple language and real-world examples that resonate with your target audience. Avoid jargon and legalese that might confuse or alienate viewers. Instead, present the information in a way that is easy to understand and directly useful to them. This not only positions your firm as an authority in the field but also builds trust and encourages potential clients to reach out for more personalized advice.

Tip 17

Consider Video Orientation For Platforms

Bri Como - Featured

Bri Como, Chief Operating Officer, Argon Agency

The biggest factor is the orientation of the video. A horizontal video cannot always be repurposed to perform on social media applications that are natively vertical video platforms. When shooting video content, it’s best to ensure that you can always crop to a vertical video per the specifications of the platforms utilized later on down the line (TikTok, Reels, Shorts, etc.).

Using trending sound is a great way to ensure it is engaging to some extent, but evergreen content is always good to have in your rotation for repurposing. Reusing video multiple times saves time and money in the long run while still allowing you to connect and engage with your audience. Using B-roll with a different voice-over can generate multiple pieces of content with differing CTAs.Bri Como, Chief Operating Officer, Argon Agency

Tip 18

Leverage Engagement Analytics For Insights

Gil Dodson - Featured

You should use engagement analytics when repurposing video content for social media. Monitoring the types of content that get the most views, likes, shares, and comments gives you valuable insights into audience preferences and behavior.

To make repurposed video content engaging and effective, adapt the video format, length, and style to platform trends and user interactions. Short, visual content works well on Instagram and TikTok. Also, review your social media analytics regularly to see what content is performing well and what resonates with your audience.

Understanding and leveraging engagement analytics allows businesses to create tailored, impactful video content that not only captures attention but also drives meaningful interactions across social media platforms.

Tip 19

Share Behind-The-Scenes Footage For Relatability

Cesar Cobo - Featured

Cesar Cobo, Director of Operations, Webris

One key factor businesses should consider when repurposing video content for social media is the inclusion of behind-the-scenes footage. Sharing these clips or bloopers can humanize your brand, making it more relatable and approachable for your audience. People love seeing the authentic, unpolished side of a company; it builds trust and fosters a personal connection.

To ensure this type of content is engaging and effective, keep it genuine and light-hearted. Don’t overthink it—just show your team having fun or the occasional mishap during production. This relatability can make your audience feel like insiders, creating a bond that traditional, polished advertisements often fail to achieve. By incorporating these moments, you not only entertain but also strengthen the emotional ties with your audience.

What are your thoughts on the Key Considerations for Repurposing Video Content?

You’ve heard what the experts had to say, now it is your turn. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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