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How To Use AI for Lead Generation in 2024: Expert Advice

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  • How To Use AI for Lead Generation in 2024: Expert Advice

Nothing can be more rewarding for your business than winning new customers and keeping old ones for good. But even before doing so, you’ve got to grab their attention and grow their interest in your brand. That entails drawing in prospects to your company or organization!

Lead generation is key to attracting potential customers to your business. To unleash its potential, capitalizing on modern technologies is best. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) enters the scene as a game-changing technology out there.

This page specifically explores the use of AI for lead generation, including its potential benefits for your business. Learn how to use this technology to generate more and more leads, as business experts have shared.

Ready? Read on.

Understanding the Use of AI for Lead Generation

Lead generation is a crucial part of business. It’s the initial step you’ll take before converting sales and growing your business.

Over 90% of marketers say lead generation is their most important goal. However, more than 60% claim generating quality ones is their biggest challenge.

AI for Lead Generation

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So, how do you get high-quality leads? Harness the power of artificial intelligence to optimize your lead generation process. But first things first, let’s define the process and learn how it works below.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation entails generating potential customers/clients for your business. The process involves attracting, identifying, and engaging with prospects called leads.

These leads are those who have shown interest in your brand and products or services. The ultimate goal is to convert these leads into sales or turn prospective consumers into actual customers.

The entire lead generation process includes the following steps:

  • Lead prospecting is the initial stage of the entire process of finding potential customers among a sea of digital consumers. In short, you’re looking for prospects!
  • Lead capturing involves identifying and recording prospective customers on your database for future sales and marketing. Simply put, you’ve got to catch these prospects!
  • Lead segmentation entails categorizing your prospects based on their demographics, behaviors, and communication channels. You better sort them out for effective targeting!
  • Lead qualifying includes evaluating prospects based on demographics, psychographics, and consumer behaviors. The goal is to qualify those who deserve to move down your sales funnel!
  • Lead nurturing is about saving and organizing prospects on your records. The ultimate goal is to maintain and improve your relationships with them!

You can generate leads through the following campaigns:

  • Cold and warm calling—reaching out to consumers (cold) or those who have shown full interest or somehow engaged with your brand (warm).
  • Email outreach—sending emails to those who have responded to you or shown interest in your brand as a way to promote your products or services.
  • Social media marketing—promoting your products or services on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or X and engaging with prospects.
  • Web and data analytics—using AI tools to get a list of prospects who have visited your platform (web) and shown interest in your brand (data).
  • Digital marketing strategies—generating leads through online marketing tactics, such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, content marketing, and influencer marketing.

According to Business Research Insights, the global market for lead generation solutions could grow from $3100 million in 2021 to $5524.35 million by 2031. It’s forecasted to expand at a 17.48% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

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What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in technologies. It allows these digital tools and machines to somehow think and work like human beings.

Below are popular AI tools and solutions thriving in today’s business landscape:

  • AI-powered chatbots: Visit any website and see those digital bots appear on your screen, answering frequently asked questions (FAQs). It’s safe to say that these chatbots are all the rage these days!
  • Generative AI: Have you tried using ChatGPT to create articles and and DALL-E generate photos? Powered by natural language processing (NLP), GenAI technologies generate content such as text, images, audio, videos, synthetic data, and even codes.

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  • Interactive voice response (IVR): IVR systems leverage voice and conversational AI to interact with you. Bet you’ve already been utilizing them to get answers to basic inquiries or process orders rather than talking to a live person!
  • Customer relationships management (CRM): CRM offers a centralized platform for managing data and interacting with customers. AI paves the way for automation and data analytics for easier and faster management!
  • Computer telephony integration (CTI): CTI has AI features like an automated pop screen, automatic dialing, and intelligent routing, typically used in call or contact centers. These features make audio or video interactions more seamless, efficient, and convenient!
  • Data analytics: This technology is powered by machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), which can learn from datasets and make decisions based on patterns or trends. Looking to make accurate forecasts and sound decisions? Use this tool!

According to Statista, the global AI market will grow from $305.90 billion in 2024 to $738.80 billion by 2030 at a 15.83% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). It shows no signs of stopping or even slowing down.

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Discover the potential benefits of AI for generating leads below.

Why use AI for lead generation

As cited, lead generation primarily seeks to attract potential new customers to your business. Modern technologies can optimize various tasks involved in generating leads. That’s where AI takes center stage as a game-changing technology.

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Here’s the good news, though: There are various lead tools for social media marketers, content marketers, and other digital marketers. These tools are all powered by AI, automation, and data analytics, making these technologies capable of optimizing various processes.

That said, here’s why you should consider leveraging AI for lead generation:

  • Offer data-driven insights for effective targeting: AI examines massive amounts of data to identify patterns and trends. It allows you to identify and target potential clients more accurately and effectively. Get quality leads faster using AI’s smart insights!
  • Automate various tasks for efficiency and productivity: AI conducts repetitive tasks like data entry and follow-up emails in lead generation. This frees up time for your team to work on strategic initiatives. Let AI do the heavy lifting while you tackle the big stuff!
  • Streamline processes for high-quality leads: AI screens away low-quality leads, letting you focus on the top prospects. It improves lead scoring and prioritization using predictive analytics. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to top-notch leads!
  • Provide data analytics for decision-making: AI provides thorough insights and reporting on your lead generation performance. It enables you to make informed decisions based on real-time data. Make better decisions with AI’s crystal-clear analytics!
  • Optimize lead generation for sales conversion: AI refines lead generation tactics to boost conversion rates. It customizes client interactions and optimizes marketing strategies. Turn more leads into sales using AI’s magic touch!

It’s safe to say that the future of AI in marketing, leads, and sales looks bright and promising. Not only does it optimize these key business processes, but it is also changing and shaping the landscape in general. To say that AI is a game-changer in business is an understatement.

Learn how to use artificial intelligence for lead generation in the next section.

How To Use AI for Generating Leads This Year

Artificial intelligence has been transforming different businesses and revolutionizing various industries. That’s why business leaders capitalize on this technology to optimize their operations and scale up their company. According to Gartner, 80% of leaders use AI for various strategies and decisions.

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Specifically, it’s best to leverage AI in social media marketing, email outreach, and content marketing for lead generation and sales conversions. This technology will make your lives easier, work faster, and customers more convenient!

Yes, you can consider generating leads on TikTok, Facebook, and other social media channels, as well as via email outreach and other digital marketing campaigns.

That said, here’s how to leverage AI for your lead-generation process:

1. Use an AI-powered CRM platform for lead data management

A customer relationship management (CRM) platform helps you manage customer data and maintain stakeholder relationships in one place. AI-integrated features aid in various lead processes like segmentation, scoring, qualifying, and nurturing. They also assist you in analyzing prospects, personalizing content, and targeting leads automatically.

Leigh McKenzie, Community Advocate at Traffic Think Tank, recommends leveraging AI-powered platforms for lead management.

McKenzie continues, “With this platform in place, you’ll have tireless prospectors on your team who find a goldmine of leads and help you sort the best ones. Your sales crew will be able to focus on key sales initiatives while appreciating the extra coffee breaks. Embrace the future and let AI handle the heavy lifting!”

2. Employ AI-activated chatbots for lead capture and engagement

Almost every business website now has an AI-activated chatbot serving as a customer service representative (CSR), ready to assist potential and existing customers. See those digital bots appearing on your screen saying ‘hi’ and asking some questions? They answer simple inquiries and sometimes process requests but refer customers to live agents for complex issues.

Logan Mallory, Vice President of Marketing at Motivosity, suggests incorporating AI-powered chatbots on their websites for lead capturing.

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Browne argues, “Sure, they can be your best virtual assistants or artificial CSRs, ready to assist your customers. However, they can be integrated with AI features to capture potential leads for your business. Not only are they best for capturing prospects, but they can help you with data analysis.”

3. Utilize ML and DL for lead prospecting and segmentation

Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are subsets of AI technology. While ML entails learning from datasets using algorithms to perform tasks, DL involves leveraging a complex structure of algorithms emulating that of a human brain. AI aids in lead generation processes by handling high volumes of data and filtering high-potential prospects.

Axel Lavergne, Founder at ReviewFlowz, highlights the value of AI solutions for lead prospecting and segmentation.

Lavergne explains, “We notice some of the best software applications harness the power of AI. When it comes to lead generation, machine learning and deep learning are like having a crystal ball for lead prospecting. They sift through data to identify the best leads and categorize them precisely. It’s next-level marketing wizardry!”

4. Leverage GenAI for content personalization in outreach campaigns

Did you know that content personalization is key to a successful lead-generation campaign? While 89% of companies invest in personalization this year, 90% leverage AI to empower this. Specifically, you can employ generative AI to generate copies for your sales outreach while focusing on personalizing content for your leads.

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Sam Browne, Founder at Findaband, cites the importance of genAI for content personalization in lead outreach campaigns.

Browne goes on to say, “GenAI is like having a marketing wizard who creates unique content for each lead! It gives your outreach campaigns a personal touch while also increasing their effectiveness. Say goodbye to generic emails and hello to personalized interactions, whether for email, content, or social media marketing.”

5. Use predictive analytics for business forecasting and lead nurturing

For the uninitiated, predictive analytics uses previously collected data to forecast future industry trends and consumer behaviors. This analytics tool is extremely useful in your lead-generation process for business forecasting and decision-making. It lets you capture the right consumers, engage with your prospects effectively, and build wonderful relationships with them.

Grant Aldrich, Founder of OnlineDegree.com, believes in the power of predictive analytics for lead generation.

Aldrich continues, “Predictive analytics is similar to having a fortune teller for your business! It explains when and how to nurture leads for optimal results. What better way to get ahead of the competition than to have data-driven insights for your business? The use of analytics tools is key!”

Final Thoughts on AI for Lead Generation

Lead generation is the first step to winning potential customers and ultimately achieving business success. However, this process is no easy feat, from capturing leads to nurturing prospects to converting sales. Leveraging AI technology is best for optimizing your entire process for accuracy, efficiency, and productivity.

That said, consider the crucial steps recommended above for using AI for lead generation. Take the words of some of the business experts introduced above. They can attest to how AI tools and technologies can work wonders on your lead generation process and business.

Whether AI-powered CRM platforms, chatbots, ML and DL, genAI, or predictive analytics, make the most of AI technology. They can ultimately kick your lead generation process up a notch, drawing in more and more prospects to your business!

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