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8 Ways to Attract More Instagram Followers

Why do you need to attract the attention of Instagram followers? What is it for? It would seem that the person has signed up for your Instagram account and everything is done!

The fact is that each subscriber, by their actions on your page, can contribute to its promotion and development.

So, as a result, you get more orders and profits for the company. Therefore, in this case, the main thing is not quantity but quality. Next, we will tell you how to increase the interest of Instagram followers in your account.

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How does it work?

Let’s think together. Instagram developers never open all the cards, but one thing remains obvious. The algorithm always works in such a way as to increase the time spent on the platform. It doesn’t matter what we do: like, comment, share or save, Instagram’s intelligent intelligence will show us similar posts to the ones we’ve interacted with before to keep our interest.

Different types of content receive different forms of involvement. It doesn’t matter which metric worked best on your post, Instagram will find the right audience for each photo and text. The conclusion is that Instagram metrics work as follows: likes, comments, distribution, and saving are equal to the final amount. It is she who matters most. Based on this amount, the algorithm calculates the coefficient of involvement.

To increase your engagement study the media behavior of your target audience in detail. To do this, you need to understand what kind of content they like and what they interact with the most. Use the Snoopreport online activity tracker, which allows you to monitor which hashtags and publications users are liking, their new followings and unfollowings, as well as their general interests. The tool allows you to monitor any public profile, whether it’s your own followers or those of your competitors.

Simply put, to be more effective, you need to constantly analyze the content. Due to this, it is possible to determine whether to continue in the same spirit, whether to start changing the strategy.

So, to make the account more attractive for followers, we aim to create interesting content that will increase engagement and thus make the post more popular.

First impression

The description is the first thing people learn about you when they visit your page. You must add basic information about yourself or your company in a limited number of characters. You need to put everything in one simple thought: write something that will make a person subscribe to you and immediately start reading your posts.

You do not need to remove your customers from Instagram, provide information that you need to remember or rewrite, for example, phone number, office address, and more. Your task is to attract your profile and show why you need to be followed.


Create a profile mood

For visitors to become potential customers, they need to be pleasantly impressed. Think about what emotions you want to evoke in followers? The style of your tape and the choice of photos will depend on it.

For example: if you sell home decor, the presence of aesthetics will be appropriate – in the photos of candles and cozy blankets, in the decoration of warm shades and soft shades.

Choose basic colors and shades

When the profile uses one color, for example, everything is light and airy or dark – it looks very stylish and beautiful.

But after a while, when you see the fifth, tenth, or hundredth such photo, you stop seeing the difference. Therefore, the stereotype that it is enough to choose one filter for all photos, we recommend leaving in the past.

It is much better not to lock your work in some filter, but just choose your favorite shades of base colors and make sure that they are regularly in the photos.

Make smooth transitions from dark to light frames

In one profile you can combine dark and light, warm and cold pictures, the main thing – to make quiet transitions.

For example: if you had three light frames and now you want to present a dark photo, publish a light photo with dark accents before that. Then it turns out that some shades seem to flow into others. This “gradient” looks beautiful in the tape and will help to harmoniously integrate photos from your customers.

Don’t be afraid to add color accents

The color attracts attention and invites the reader to action, which encourages you to go and see the details. This is due to the fact that our eyes easily pick out bright spots, especially if you look at photos from the phone.

Therefore, for profiles in neutral tones (for example gray or beige), it is recommended to add bright details so that the tape does not look boring. And if your shots are bright and colorful, it is better to add calm objects, because it will not be too annoying when looking at the tape.

instagram followers


Take care of the content that comes to the consumer

The Instagram audience is extremely experienced. Interest does not arise in all posts. The most important thing to remember: your subscriber is not a professor reading a research dissertation. He does not like complicated texts and flips through the tape in his spare time, for example, over a cup of coffee.

The main advice: the text should contain and be based on only one opinion. If you have a lot of opinions, divide them into several posts. Then, each of them will not be overloaded, and the thought will be complete.

Remember that it is extremely important to take care of the literacy of the texts. Since the presence of mistakes can undermine the credibility of the target audience.

To do this, use services like Grammarly or Essay Help. This will help to avoid such problems as typos, etc., forming a positive image.


Here the main thing is to show your competence, how well you focus on this topic. You can write posts that reveal your knowledge and skills, as well as reviews of informative articles on your topic.

Choose simple, clear words. Remember, you are not communicating with colleagues, but with the audience. Forget about professional vocabulary. Write clearly. The subscriber will not “google” every word unfamiliar to him, but will simply skip this post, as he does not understand it.

Information (news, reputational content)

The main task of these posts is to gain trust, so this content needs a lot of attention. You should write about the stories of your achievements, successes, benefits, and usefulness to you in general. Also, there will be current news on your topic.

Recommendations: you need to write to convey an opinion, not just make an impression. Volume is not the main thing. The quality of the text depends on its content, not on the “water” in it.


This post is one of the ways to increase the trust of the audience. Here you should do surveys that attract your target viewer or customer. It will be important to ask him about the quality of the content and ask for advice. Of course, such posts should be used when you already have a connection with the audience, so that there is no appropriate silence.


Entertainment is what people go to social networks for. In general, causing a person to smile, there is a high probability that he will stay on your page and appreciate something else.

We recommend using 30% of this content in the blog. You can write about anything that would be interesting to you, about movies, jokes, music and much more.


Also, it is called commercial. These posts are for sale or action with your account. They demonstrate the positive qualities that the customer receives when choosing your company, product, or service.

Note that the reasoning should be moderate. You do not need to enter a huge number of beliefs “for” or “against”. Highlight the main ones that are important for this publication.

Posts are written in this way to encourage the audience to issue an admission or for a person to write directly and clarify the information.

A little recommendation

On weekdays and during working hours, you should place more emphasis on informational, educational, and selling posts. Unlike the previous one, in the evenings, on weekends and holidays – for entertainment and communication.

Pay attention to the posting time

There is a lot of information that the time of publication is of great importance for the development of the audience. Therefore, you need know the best posting times to publish.

According to research, the world gold standard is the time from 10 to 3 p.m. It is not difficult to determine your publication date: you should refer to the page statistics and analyze it. Note that if your target audience is limited to the city where you provide the service, consider the time zone and publish the information when people are actively using their phone.

For example: during traffic jams, when they return from work or after a hard day, before bed, late in the evening. If you do not follow this chronology, your coverage will fall and your publications will no longer be seen, as they will not be included in the recommendations.

On the other hand, there is the opposite theory that time does not affect coverage, because the quality of the content and whether you are read by the target audience is much more important. In any case, decide the question: “Which way to choose?” – you will have to!

instagram followers - 8 Ways to Attract More Instagram Followers - 1https://unsplash.com/photos/KWZa42a1kds

“Live” page maintenance on Instagram

Today, “live communication” with subscribers is extremely popular and in demand. The higher the percentage of personal presence and personalization of the account, the more likely to be interested in CA. It’s not just about the photos and videos of the product or service being promoted, but about your identity in the content.

It is extremely important to be present in the account as an expert in the field: to go live and record “stories”. By the way, about the same circles that are located just below the description of our profile. It would seem such a trifle, but at the same time “relevant pages” are one of the coolest tools for direct influence on their subscribers.

Thanks to this tool you can not just declare yourself, but also establish contact, show your importance, talk about their competencies and confirm their expertise. Their design should be treated no less important than the previous paragraphs.

Therefore, keep the same theme, think about the visual part, and other nuances. You can add to them your price list for the product or service, the results of the work performed (before and after), customer feedback, order conditions, and delivery information.

Share “secrets” with your audience

Now there is almost no question that cannot be answered on the Internet. However, who, if not an expert, will be able to give reliable information about your product or service and share professional “secrets” that only he knows. Use this trick, it extremely attracts the interest of followers to your account.

“Free product”

Perhaps the most effective way to pique the audience’s interest is to draw. People are attracted to the opportunity to get something for free, even when they don’t need it at all.

The conditions should be simple, for example: be subscribed to the page, like the last three posts, and mark two (or more) friends in the comments. Note that such contests should not be held regularly, as readers have the impression that your product or service is not in demand. Therefore, they will not see the point of buying it when they have a direct need to do so.

Interactive pauses

It is very difficult to perceive only cognitive, dry information, and you must remember this. Therefore, the availability of any entertaining content can interest and captivate your followers.

From time to time, ask questions or riddles to your audience. As a result, they will switch their attention and will be able to distract, have fun and have a good time on your page.⠀

Attract more Instagram followers

The interest of the target audience is directly related to the popularity of social networks. The mechanism works in such a way that the more your content is attractive to users, the more interesting it is for Instagram to promote it to other potentially interested users. Therefore, use our guidelines to get more engagement with your profile.

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