Do you love social media holidays? Do you want to know when to post your content so that your fans and customers will most likely see it?
If so, then we crafted the blog post just for you! We’re going to show you 20 of the most important social media holidays across all major social networks in 2025, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Reddit.
Not only will these days be packed with people engaging with brands on their favorite social networks because of the events happening around them, but businesses will also have an opportunity to get in front of potential new fans that wouldn’t usually see their messages otherwise. By paying attention to these dates, in particular, you can make sure that more people see your messages than ever before. So eat up and enjoy the list of holidays that we’ve picked out just for you!
January 1- New Year’s Day
The New Year is a great time to start fresh. It doesn’t matter whether you are tasked with mentoring STEM students because it will present you with the perfect way to begin the year.
Give your fans and customers a clean slate by sharing your content on social media first thing in the morning on January 1, so they can begin their journey with you as well! Post about resolutions, plans for 2025, and how to make the most of this upcoming year (and beyond) by interacting with your brand.
January 5 -Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Martin Luther King, Jr., was a US-based clergyman-activist, and prominent leader in the civil rights movement. He became one of the most revered public speakers and a prominent figure in the civil rights movement in the 1950s until his death in 1968. He is best known for advocating nonviolent protest, proposing an “I Have a Dream” speech, and delivering it while facing hundreds of thousands of protesters at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963 alone. You can help your fans celebrate this day by sharing MLK Jr.’s most moving speeches or writing a blog that shares ways to engage with social issues today so your customers can get involved too!
January 24 – Super Bowl Sunday
Come game day (or night, if you’re watching on West Coast time!), there are plenty of business opportunities to take advantage of when it comes to posting on social media. Post about team colors, player jerseys, your favorite commercials, and more! Just be sure to keep in mind that the Super Bowl is an excellent opportunity for fans and customers alike to watch as much as they can, so it’s best not to post too much about giveaways or sales.
February 14 – Valentine’s Day
Ah, Valentine’s Day…a holiday adored by many but understandably hated by those who don’t have a loved one on this special day. If you’re part of the former group (or maybe even if you happen to fall into the latter), then you can help others celebrate this day with your fans and customers by posting some of your favorite romantic songs, movies, and quotes.
Better yet? You can share what makes you happy about your relationship (or past relationships), especially if you met your significant other on social media. These are great ways to connect with others and show appreciation for your brand’s fans! Whether it’s advice on how to send a Valentine’s text message or sharing a personal love story, your audience will appreciate the effort.
February 13- Super Bowl LIII
We know what you’re thinking…Super Bowl? Again? Yes, but this time it comes with a twist! Since the game will be taking place in Los, Angeles, in 2022, which is only a few months from now, take advantage of all the photo opportunities that come along with it by sharing images of other things that happen in the city.
Have some fun by posting content related to Los Angeles-based brands or restaurants that already have plenty of photos circulating around during this time of year. You can also use hashtags such as #SuperBowl or even go with funny ones like #SBLIII (Super Bowl 53).
March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day
Who doesn’t love celebrating Irish culture every year on March 17? Whether you’re showing your support by wearing green, sharing Irish proverbs, enjoying some traditional music, or eating a Guinness-flavored meal, there are plenty of ways that you can get creative for this holiday!
You can also share about upcoming deals and giveaways that customers might enjoy too. Social media is naturally filled with many hashtags during this time of year. We recommend using #StPatricksDay, #LuckOfTheIrish, #HappySaintPattysDay, and #StPaddysDay to get started.
April 20 – 4/20
You’ve probably heard of the term “420” before, but where does it come from? The origin is often attributed to a group of students in California known as “The Waldos,” who would meet up at 4:20 p.m. and smoke weed together during high school in the 1970s.
Today, this day has turned into something bigger than just smoking marijuana, with groups participating all around the world! Whether you’re partaking or not, many businesses have been able to capitalize on 4/20 by offering coupons and giveaways for products that relate to marijuana use, such as vape pens, glass pipes, and more.
May 4 – Star Wars Day (May 4 Be With You)
Besides parties that may or may not be planned at this exact time by other brands, there are plenty of ways to share about your love for the Star Wars franchise on this day. Have some fun with it by posting quotes, memes, and jokes revolving around Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, or maybe even Yoda!
Just remember to keep things within the parameters of each social media platform you’re sharing on so as to remain in compliance with site policies. Don’t forget about hashtags such as #StarWarsDay, either!
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June 21 – World Emoji Day
Everyone’s favorite icons with a face are back again! And while it may not be the most widely celebrated holiday out there, it can still be an excellent opportunity to show your support for this day by posting some fun emojis on this date. You can also make posts that revolve around emoji-related topics, such as expressing feelings or describing current moods through them.
August 30 – National Selfie Day
If you really want to take advantage of these holidays, why not come up with your own unique offshoot? While our staff loved the idea behind #SelfieSunday, we also think taking things to the next level by creating #NationalSelfieDay can be just as effective. You can then take this opportunity to host giveaways on your social media pages that revolve around some of the best selfies that are shared.
October 31 – Halloween
This is undoubtedly one of the most widely recognized holidays out there, with so many possibilities for various brands! However, what you decide to post about will need to be appropriate for each platform you’re on.
According to the college paper writing service reviews, Facebook allows posts related to “Trick or Treat,” but they don’t allow images containing any kind of nudity, including witches, ghosts, and more. Twitter, meanwhile, has a bit of a different take as they’re okay with posts containing the phrase “trick or treat” and hashtags like #Halloween, #HappyHalloween and #TrickorTreat that revolves around this subject matter.
November 22 – Thanksgiving
It may be one of the most important days on the calendar for those in North America, but it’s also very easy to get creative with your social media posts! For example, you can create fun memes, GIFs, and other types of content that show how thankful you are for your customers or maybe make some Thanksgiving dinner jokes!
Another way to go is by adding some trivia into your post, such as “Did you know that the average person gains 5 pounds on Thanksgiving?” Just ensure that your posts are in line with any guidelines that may be set in place for this holiday before sharing.
December 25 – Christmas
You can’t go wrong when it comes to posting about Christmas on social media! And if you’re wondering what sorts of things you should post, take a look at the examples of brands who did an incredible job in their own unique ways. You can also view past examples of your competitors’ social media holiday posts and get inspiration from the best performing ones.
As stated in some reports of the essay help at Essaygeeks And then there are some holidays that aren’t really “holidays” but just days that should be treated differently than other days. One of those examples would be January 5, which many say is the most depressing day for others like them to post about their struggles with depression or any advice on how they overcame it all.
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You can check out more examples on the web. There are a few more that you may still want to be aware of, and most importantly, do targeted campaigns or promotions on those days. Real quick, here is a list of some of the social media holidays you may not know about but have a lot of significance:
- January 2: Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay
- January 9: National Hangover Day #NationalHangoverDay
- January 15: National Hat Day #NationalHatDay
- January 16: National Puzzle Day #NationalPuzzleDay
- January 17: Bubble Bath Day #BubbleBathDay
- February 21: World Down Syndrome Awareness Day #WorldDownSyndromeAwarenessDay
- February 22: International Polar Bear Day (aka Snowperson’s Day) #InternationalSnowpersonDay
- March 8: International Women’s Day #InternationalWomensDay
- April 19: Poem in Your Pocket Day #PoemInYourPocketDay
- May 5: Towel Day #TowelDay
- June 21: World UFO Day #WorldUFODay
- August 8: International Rabbit Day #InternationalRabbitDay
- September 27: National Punctuation Day (aka Exclamation Point Celebration) #NationalPunctuationDay
- October 10: Cheese Pizza Day (better known as Cheesecake Day or Cream Filled Cake Day) #CheesePizzaDay
- November 4: Be Bald and Be Free Day (aka Hairless Cat Day) #BeBaldandBeFreeDay
- December 7: National Lager Day #NationalLagerDay
- December 9: Mr. Checkout’s Day (aka Garment Worker Appreciation Day) #MrCheckoutsDay
Now that you know all of the holidays worth mentioning on social media, how about coming up with some content that will be perfect for each of these days? Using the holidays and related hashtags can drive a lot of engagement and exposure to your brand as well!
And something else you may want to post about is your own personal messages or stories from employees or customers who have done great things during this season. Whatever you decide, make sure it matches the image and voice of your brand and channel. Here are three powerful tips that may help;
- Understand your target audience: Each of these posts should be catered to the type of brand you have and what you’re hoping to accomplish. For example, if your company is a clothing line for moms, then creating Thanksgiving dinner jokes may not be such a great idea (although funny GIFs could work).
- Get the timing right: Not sure when these particular events are? Why not create a calendar specifically for social media holidays and make it meant to be used by your company. Something that will be helpful for others in the future as well.
- Have a social media plan: This may seem like an obvious step, but many companies and brands will post about holidays only when they happen to notice, which can be challenging considering there are so many of them! So make sure you do the necessary research and testing before posting anything. If your audience is located in another country or even another part of your country altogether, then knowing the time zone difference will help immensely.
Social Media Holidays in 2025
So if you were ever wondering what made your favorite posts stand out among the rest on some days, well, now you know! Now go catch em’ before they’re gone! While you’re not going to find all of these days in a calendar, they are still good to keep on your radar for creative campaigns and possible collaborations with other brands!