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Twitter Automation Tips: The Only Complete Guide You’ll Need

twitter automation tips 2

Chapter 1

Twitter Automation Fundamentals

Whether you are new to Twitter or social media automation – these resources will help you get up to speed before jumping into Twitter automation. If you’ve been around awhile, you’ll get a nice refresher on automating social media.

Chapter 2

How to Save Time & Be More Productive by Scheduling Tweets

Any repetitive task you do more than once manually should probably be automated. But knowing what to automate can make a difference in taking your Twitter account to the next level or being lost with millions of others. You’ll learn how the right Twitter automation can not only save you time but also drive growth and interaction in your Twitter account.

Chapter 3

How to Grow Your Twitter Audience With Automation

Aside from scheduling Tweets, mass following and unfollowing is one of the most used forms of Twitter automation. Over the years, the practice of following and unfollowing users has become more widely accepted although it’s frowned upon according to Twitter’s terms.

Chapter 4

Know the Best Days & Times to Tweet to Increase Engagement

Just because you are using automation doesn’t mean you should haphazardly blast out your Tweets. Instead, you need to dive into your account and find out when the most opportune times to tweet are. Then adjust your posting schedule to reflect this. Not sure how to find the best times to tweet? These links will help you find out.

Chapter 5

How to Avoid Only Tweeting Your Own Content

When automating updates on Twitter, you’ll need content to share. Despite what you think, no one wants to be bombarded with tweets only promoting your own content. So you’ll need to be sure to mix it up. Here are some swell resources that will provide you with countless opportunities for sourcing social media content.

Chapter 6

Become Strategic With Twitter Automation and Drive Results

Go beyond sharing updates and become more strategic with your use of Twitter automation. Think more than just sharing content on Twitter and really put automation to work for you driving meaningful results.

Chapter 7

Tracking Your Twitter Automation Efforts

Once the decision has been made to use Twitter automation, you’ll want to know whether or not it works. And you won’t know if something is or isn’t working unless you have put into place a process to track your KPI’s. So jump into these resources to get a better handle on your social media analytics.

Chapter 8

Awesome Case Studies & Guides

It’s hard to top an in-depth case study around Twitter automation. Here are some incredible case studies and guides from social media marketers who are utilizing Twitter automation to grow their businesses. You’ll learn how the approaches they used, social media tools needed and more to drive top results.


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7 thoughts on “Twitter Automation Tips: The Only Complete Guide You’ll Need”

  1. Thanks for the tips! Twitter isn’t working great for me lately. This is exactly what I need.
    Facebook is also a good platform nowadays because user engagement is relatively higher. Do you also have some FB tips?

    1. Glad you found it useful! Facebook is definitely a great platform for the reasons you mention. I don’t have anything put together for Facebook tips like this post, but it is something I will definitely consider putting together in a future blog post 🙂

  2. Hi Chris, I have just found you – the resources listed here look quite incredible – I will keep you posted as I dive in and explore. I like Twitter, but it’s tedious – these tips will help me tremendously – thank you.
    This is what I’m all about if you have a moment to look; http://johntheobald.123look.com

      1. Hi Chris, re

        Twitter Mass Follow & Unfollow Tool

        I get this error message when running the follow iMacros script –
        “MacroSyntaxError: wrong format of SET command, line 5 (Error code:

        I’ve copied it into iMacros exactly as you described … and double checked it

        Thank you for any guidance you can offer


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