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6 Most Popular Instagram Story Templates in 2025

Instagram first put its foot into the world of stories in 2016. They’re basically like Snapchat’s story – they post pictures and videos on your profile that last for 24 hours.

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As of right now (2025), there are over 500 million daily active users on Instagram, with more than 400 million using stories every day! That number can excite some marketers because it means more exposure which can be great for their brand promotion needs. To help you up your stories game, here are 5 most popular Instagram story templates in 2025.

  • Vana
  • Tanska
  • Urbanix
  • Glorious Instagram Quotes
  • Hepburn

Side note: This guide will only give you an overview on some of the best Instagram story templates you may want to use. If you’re interested in growing and potentially selling your online business, you may want to check courses from reputable coaches on platforms like Online Biz Booster.

Wepik’s Stories Templates

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Sick of the same, boring Instagram stories? Wepik is here to help. With its simple user interface and plenty of tools you can create amazing eye-catching masterpieces in just a few clicks. Choose from an incredible selection of templates, customize with awesome color palettes & gradients – even edit or share on the go straight from its cloud accessible storage; no complex software needed! Embrace your creativity and break free from your usual routine. Your Instagram stories will be so visually stunning that others will envy them with Wepik’s templates!

Vana Template

Instagram Story templates

Vana is a free and stylish Instagram template you can use in 2025 for any type of post. Its minimalist design makes it perfect, not only because the photos stand out but also so that your brand will be recognized easily on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Not to mention that this theme comes with eight templates all ready to go!


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Tanska is an Instagram template that has unique geometric shapes and soft color palettes. If you’re promoting a Scandinavian brand or lifestyle, then Tanska was made for you! All the templates come with ten different stylish designs to choose from; this makes it easy to find one that fits your needs. You will also enjoy using these colors as they can help complement your brand while standing out from other accounts on social media platforms such as Instagram.


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If you love to post colorful and trendy photos, then Urbanix is the Instagram template for you! It’s free with all of the essential features that influencers need. Just pick an image from your computer or phone, add text in any style via Photoshop (or another editing software), adjust opacity/size as needed, save it within seconds on the desktop without having to log into an account first—and you’re good to go! Influencer @michael_thomas who also managers a team of experts to get help with essay says, “This was my best purchase yet” because he had so much fun creating posts using this simple platform.

Glorious Instagram Quotes (a Stories Pack)


If you’re trying to engage your audience on Instagram, one of the best ways to do this is by sharing quotes. Are you looking for some inspiration? The Glorious Instagram Quotes template has 50+ editable templates that are perfect for customizing and sharing with your followers! Just replace the quote at the top (or bottom), change up colors if desired, and then save it as a new post or simply double-tap an image to repost something from another user.



Hepburn is an excellent template for Instagram posts, and it’s designed with female audiences in mind. The soft color palette, elegant typography, and stylish templates will surely resonate well with your audience. This freebie comes with nine editable templates that you can use to post announcements about sales or other important updates on your business account, as well as regular daily themes like quotes from influential people or motivational words of wisdom.

What to Keep in Mind when Making a story on Instagram

As already said, Instagram stories are a huge success. They have an upwards of 500 million daily active users, and 400 million+ people use the feature every day. As a business owner, you might be interested in making an amazing story to gain more exposure to your brand. However, before doing so, here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Hashtags: You can obviously still use them. Number of Stories Posting the same story all the time might not work out for you. Different days of the week can work better. Hashtags are still a great way to bring attention to your story People can look at your ‘recent stories,’ so don’t publish the same thing every day
  • Pacing: Post stories at different times of the day to increase viewership. When publishing too many stories at once, you might gain fewer views. This is because people might scroll past your story without noticing it. Post a new story near the beginning, middle, or end of the day to make sure it’s seen by as many users as possible. Also, try not to post more than 2-3 stories in one hour
  • Length: The length of the story doesn’t matter that much Stories are short, so it’s ok if they’re only 5 seconds long. Try to avoid having nothing but silent videos – these don’t get many views. For an ‘everyday adventure’ template, you should keep each clip at least 6 seconds long
  • Captions: You can add text to your stories by clicking on the pencil icon under your main picture. Write a little intro for people. Click again on the arrow below your first caption and click ‘add another’ caption to separate both. Click on the square icon next to one of your captions, then select the sticker icon. Click on ‘type here’ and write whatever you want! Be creative Captions are a great way to get people’s attention. You can also use hashtags or use emojis to convey your message.
  • Design: If you want your story to get more views, make sure your design is super on point. Make it look good! People are used to the vertical videos at this point. Having high-quality, engaging images will make people want to watch your story. People appreciate it when you take the time to make something look good. They will also be more likely to follow you or check out what you have to say. If you want people to click on a certain part of your story, highlight it by drawing attention with emojis or hashtags.
  • Audio: Adding sound is very important for stories. Make sure that when people are watching your story that they can hear what’s being said super clearly You don’t have much time, so if people can’t hear properly, they are just going to skip your stories.
  • Timing: People are more likely to watch your story if you post it within the right time period -For example: If you want to post a new story at 5 PM, but all of your stories usually don’t get many views, it might be better to try and post it later on. People check their phones more often in the evening, which means that more people will see your story. You can select a different day of the week for each story. For example: If you’re telling a story about an event from Monday, then you can publish it on Tuesday if you think there’s a higher chance of getting a lot of views

A good approach in creating engaging Instagram stories is to first, get your audience’s attention by giving them something relevant. Build the suspense by adding a really good picture. Then just tell them what’s going on! Finish it off by asking them to follow you if they want more updates like that one! If your story is really great, then maybe people will take action and follow you or make purchases from your brand.

Mistakes to Avoid when Creating Instagram Stories

  • Don’t post too many stories in one hour. More than three is definitely pushing it, and people will probably stop watching your stories after that point. They may also get marked as spam.
  • Don’t post the same story twice. People don’t like seeing the same thing over and over again – it gets boring fast.
  • Don’t use vertical videos unless you have to. You can upload both portrait and landscape videos, so why not take advantage of that? Vertical videos are more likely to get cut off at the edges, so try to avoid them if possible.
  • When adding text, don’t write too much! Nobody likes reading multiple paragraphs because this is social media, not a novel. Somebody might scroll past all of your hard work just because they couldn’t be bothered to read everything you wrote. Make sure that people know what’s going on before you put any text there.
  • Be creative! People are more likely to watch if your story is creative rather than just some badly shot video of you walking down the street. Another thing, don’t use emojis or hashtags too much. People know what they mean, and they will interpret them in different ways. It can get annoying.
  • Don’t forget to add sound if you can! With enough practice, you will get better at adding sound easily without having to do anything special.
  • Don’t create your story with the intention of it getting a certain number of views. If you keep looking at how many people are watching, then you can get anxious about not having enough viewers. People are more likely to watch if they know that you weren’t expecting any sort of attention in return.
  • Having sound on doesn’t mean that you have to talk. You can add music to spur the emotion you’re trying to convey.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of adding emojis or hashtags to your stories. Using them in the right place will make all the difference when it comes to gaining extra attention.

Will these Templates work Through the Whole of 2025?

Most of these templates are based on things that have already been popular, so the chance of them being popular again is pretty high. It’s just a question of which app they will become more popular on.

Will Instagram stories become more influential than Snapchat stories? Will Hashtags become more popular than emojis? Will vertical videos be better than landscape videos? Only time will tell!

What Else could you use these Templates for?

These templates could be used as a form of inspiration. If you’re struggling to think up an idea for your story, then you can just copy one that’s already been successful! Also, it never hurts to become aware of what other people are doing and why they might be getting more views than you.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to copy something that’s been successful, just as long as you keep working on it and improve from there! With your newfound knowledge, you will be able to create something even better than before

What Other Template Styles can we Expect Post-2025?

Try looking at what people are asking for on social media. Are they asking for more quotes? Are they asking for more vertical videos?

Are they asking for more text over video or pictures only? Is there anything else that they want? Maybe everything already exists, but nobody is using them – you could develop a brand new form of storytelling if this is the case.

Lastly, try getting inspiration from things outside of Instagram stories. Look at memes, TV shows, films, and video games – anything that people are interested in could be used as inspiration for Instagram stories!

What Else should we know?

If you’re looking to create your own templates, then it’s best if you work with other people. Being creative is fun, but sometimes it’s better to collaborate and make something even better together.

There are lots of different ways to get creative, so don’t limit yourself by thinking there is only one way. If all else fails, try creating templates using apps like Photoshop. Such apps will allow you to superimpose images onto other images or videos.

You can basically do whatever you want! Experimentation is the key here because creativity will come out of nowhere. The more experienced you become with Story Templates, the more creative you will become in general. Just remember to add your own unique twist when using somebody else’s story template!

The Bottom Line

Creating your own Instagram stories doesn’t have to be complicated. With enough practice, anybody can start making awesome stories! Start small and gradually build up to bigger things. Try making simple story templates for yourself. If you do that, then you’ll get used to how they work and also get feedback on what works and what doesn’t work.

Experiment with different styles of story templates mentioned above before deciding which style suits you best. Also, there are lots of other great Instagram Story makers online. So try a few if you want and see which one suits your creativity best.

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