

How to Promote a Webinar on Social Media in 5 Easy Steps

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  • How to Promote a Webinar on Social Media in 5 Easy Steps

Over the past two years, we have adapted to the virtual world far more and way faster than we could have anticipated. Online events, shows, classes, and webinars have become a part of our everyday lives.

Moreover, the trend of social media being the supreme source of finding information and learning new things has opened various possibilities for the professional and personal development of each and every one of us.

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This is why social media marketing is a common choice for many businesses to speak up about their vision, their brand, and their services.

Sharing insights about your webinar to social media channels has a lot of potential, from a content point of view. You can share snippets, reels, gifs, infographics, and many other engaging content samples with your target group.​​ How to Promote a Webinar

In this article, we will discuss how to run promotion for a successful webinar, and how to create a social media marketing campaign that will help you reach your audience.

So, let’s get down to business.

What is a Successful Webinar

What makes a successful webinar is not only the content you produce, but ultimately the impact it has on your target audience. A great webinar is one that inspires audience engagement and interactions with the topic.

Webinars are often made by individuals or companies as one asset to their collection of products or services. It is a great way to offer value to the audience, and bring them one step closer to becoming your customers.

By creating a webinar, you are creating another way for your target group to communicate with you and get to know you better. Finally, it is a way of building a community around your business and increasing loyalty toward your brand.

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Platforms For Hosting a Webinar

When creating a webinar, an important aspect to think about is the practical solution to how you will execute it. Choosing the best webinar platform means finding software that offers exactly what you need to achieve the best experience for the viewers.

Of course, there are many available solutions out there, and some of them might come a bit pricey. If you didn’t plan on spending too much on the tech, that is absolutely okay. You can still produce awesome quality because the essence of your webinar is not the resolution of the video, but the key message you have to share.

Step by Step Guide to Promoting a Webinar on Social Media

Promoting a webinar on social media is more than just creating advertising campaigns on Meta. It is about putting together a kick-ass social media content strategy, and impressing your audience by inviting them to join your events.

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These are the most important aspects of your strategy you should have in mind before you get started:

  • The ultimate aim of your campaign – is to bring viewers to your webinar, convert them into your customers, and build a community around your idea.
  • Who you are speaking to – be precise with your user persona. This does include not only demographics but also specific things such as their professional and personal interests.
  • What kind of resources do you have to pull it off – how many people are on your team, how much time can you dedicate to it, and, of course, what is your total budget.
  • Branding of your campaign – are you creating the campaign based on your company’s brand, or are you creating a new brand for your webinar.
  • Where is your content going to be distributed – which social media platform attracts your target group, how many social media will you expand on, and how long is your campaign going to last.
  • Testing – very few campaigns start off as a great success. Use analytical tools to learn how your campaign is performing, and improve it with every next iteration.

Now, let’s see how you can create a social media campaign to promote your webinar, step by step.

Step 1 – Define Target Audience

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Before you start creating content and launch your campaign, the first step is always to identify your target audience. When making a social media campaign, a careful definition of the audience can save you time and money.

Some inexperienced marketers create social media campaigns for all possible channels at once. Clearly, the audience on TikTok and Twitter is significantly different, and thus at least one of them is a poor choice for their promotional ads.

In social media channels, the demographics of the users are quite specific. More noticeable than most, age gaps between two channels can be decades.

Also, B2B marketing is targeting a whole different audience than B2C, and for this type of campaign, you will probably want to choose LinkedIn or a similar professional network.

Step 2 – Create Branded Social Media Pages

Once you have determined who your main target groups are, it is time to create an awesome brand that will resonate with them. At the core of any good brand are the essential values you are building your business upon.

A brand is more than just a logo – it is about the way you are presenting who you are, what your mission is, and the way you communicate to your audience. The visual representation of your brand should be aligned with the language you use in your copy, and the vibe you wish to transfer to everyone who comes across your logo.

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First of all, you need an active personal or business social media page. If your webinar is a product on its own, and not a part of your business campaign, setting up social media accounts for the webinar itself can be a good decision.

A strong brand is the pillar of any successful content marketing, and this includes content you create for social media. Each profile you or your company have must be consistent with your brand image and brand voice.

This goes for every type of content you create. When completing this step like a pro, every next step you take can and should be built upon it.

Step 3 – Gather a Winning Team

If social media marketing is your go-to strategy to promote your webinar, you will need many different hats on the team:

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  • Creative. A person who will take care of creating interesting content that is evergreen and connects to your target group.
  • Community management. Someone in charge of distributing the content, scheduling campaigns across different media, and interacting with your audience on a regular basis.
  • Analytical. At the end of the day, you need to measure the results of each campaign. This is the best way to learn about what you’re doing wrong and to get to know your audience better.
  • Financial. Every marketing campaign has its costs. You are investing different types of resources, but finance is one of the most important ones. You should calculate the budget you have for the campaign and make sure you have realistic expectations for the money.

If you are selling your webinar or using it to promote your business, brand management and content creation for enterprises are easy to outsource. There are specialized agencies and individuals that can do a great job in helping you attract more clients.

In case you are a one-person show, creative juices need to keep flowing to generate the best and most original ideas for your ads. It is always recommended to check in with a friend or a colleague, but you can also surf to find out how to never run out of content ideas for your business.

Step 4 – Create Amazing Content

Content is, and always will be, the best way of communicating to your target group. The best business growth strategy is WOM (word of mouth) marketing.

Creating shareable content will inspire your followers to distribute your campaign and increase its reach. Nothing advertises your webinar as personal recommendations from satisfied clients.

One of the most interesting content types is infographics. With infographics, you can answer any questions and share a lot of information in an interesting and engaging way.

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When shared as images, infographics are also popular for Pinterest users. Wherever you decide to share them, you can count on free marketing on this platform as well.

On the majority of social media, the content that gets the highest reach and boosts by the algorithms is video. If you have an idea for a trailer or a tease for your webinar, consider hiring a professional video production agency to create an awesome story and help you get more attention on the network.

Step 5 – Interact With The Followers

The main aim of your social media campaign is to raise conversions and bring more people on board to check out your webinar. Starting with social media captions, your content should be inviting to the audience.

Your posts are a great platform to interact with your audience, answer any questions they might have, and introduce them further to your business and your product. Having a social media manager or a community manager on board is an excellent choice if you are planning to invest in expanding your business further.

If you decide to hire an Instagram management service, for example, prepare your brand guide for them to rely on. This will help them keep your brand voice and improve brand consistency and engagement on the network.

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Think Outside The Box

Social media users are becoming overwhelmed with the same content type repeatedly. The key to attracting followers and bringing them to your webinar is for you to be:

  • Genuine. Being yourself is not easy in the era of filters, which is why the audience values it the most.
  • Consistent. Stand by your beliefs and your values. Interact with the audience regularly and increase engagement.
  • Authentic. Discover what your strong sides are, and what makes you different from your competitors, and stick to them to rise above the surface.

If you wish to get followers on TikTok, you can comply with the trending challenges and find ways to present your campaign through their content. Otherwise, you can try and create a challenge of your own and become a trendsetter.

Another great way to engage your community is to let them participate in your campaign as much as possible. Community generated content is often used to elevate sales potential, and best of all – it doesn’t cost any cash money.

For example, you can ask your followers to create a video reel of what it looks like for them when they encounter a challenge which your business is tackling. Then, naturally, you will reply with the content you prepared to how your webinar can help them climb that mountain.

Repurpose Content

For webinars you have already recorded, you have sexy content you can easily use for social media promotion. Using shorts for TikTok videos or Instagram reels, you are letting the audience sneak a peek into the real thing.

You can also use webinar audio converted to text to create interesting quotes and highlight the peaks, tickling the imagination of the readers.

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You Don’t Have to Know It All

Of course, you don’t have to do all of this alone. By releasing the pressure that you must be the know it all person, you will be ready to ask for help and make yourself more available to focus on what you do best.

Luckily, marketing is among the services that are easiest to outsource. There are digital marketing services that can help you with any step where you might find yourself stuck and without ideas.

Knowing How to Promote a Webinar

As with any other marketing strategy, social media marketing relies a lot on the brand you are building. The key to a successful campaign is to get your audience introduced to your brand, but just enough to keep them intrigued to check you out further.

Quality webinars that are offering real value are a pool of ideas for creating social media content. We have talked about the different content types you can cut out from your webinar, and distribute them as TikTok videos, reels, quote graphics, and many others.

Before you get started, prepare adequately. Do your research and plan the campaign designed for success. Aim at your target audience and keep your content engaging and interactive.

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