

8 Best Evergreen B2B Blogging Ideas to Promote on Social Media

  • Blog
  • 8 Best Evergreen B2B Blogging Ideas to Promote on Social Media

Blogging is one of the cheapest, most effective ways of promoting your B2B brand’s products and services. In fact, over 33% of B2B companies blog to provide their audience value and be at the forefront of their customers’ attention.

Not only that, but you can also use your blog to complement your social media strategy by sharing links to your latest blog posts on your social channels. This works wonders for expanding your online reach and establishing yourself as a credible, reliable, and authentic industry resource.

That’s why you need B2B blogging ideas.

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However, the only downside with blogging is that you have to produce content consistently. Creating a content strategy calls for a range of ideas that, after a while, can be hard to conjure up. To aid you with that, run an inventory of your content to find evergreen blog content pieces to fuel your content strategy. If you don’t have anything like that developed yet, continue reading to learn about the different kinds of evergreen content that never fails to be effective.

Let’s dive in!

What is Evergreen Content?

Just like evergreen trees don’t shed their leaves, evergreen content never loses its appeal.

Two factors make content evergreen:

  • For one, it’s SEO optimized (like the rest of your site should be). That way, the post can continue attracting inbound traffic from organic searches long after its initial publication.
  • Secondly, it discusses subject matters that stay relevant for long periods. As such, even if you wrote the piece years ago, it should still be sharable and provide value to your audience.

Standard formats for evergreen content include:

  • Listicles
  • Tips
  • How-to content
  • Guides and checklists

As you’ve probably already guessed, evergreen content doesn’t focus on any one specific event. As such, (typically) it doesn’t cover:

  • Announcements
  • News articles
  • Seasonal content
  • Content about trending topics
  • Outdated product reviews

These are just a few examples to give you an idea.

b2b blogging ideas

Why Bother Creating Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content can save you time and money. Evergreen posts make it easier for B2B marketers to engage customers on social media and their website’s blog without constantly producing new content.

One of the perks of evergreen pieces is that you can easily brush them up and re-use them. While your content continues to generate interest, you have the opportunity to focus on finding new avenues to promote it.

Creating evergreen content by clustering keywords isn’t enough. You must think about search intent, traffic potential, topic difficulty, and other factors.

How to Promote B2B Blog Content on Social Media

Sharing evergreen blog posts on social media is an excellent way to extend your reach and engage your current followers. But, this begs the question: how do you convert blog posts into reusable, evergreen pieces?

Providing the meat and potatoes of the content will remain relevant for a long time; you can launch different article variations using other headlines. This presents a quick and straightforward way of reposting the same content multiple times without it feeling old. Now, all that’s left is to schedule your messages in advance, using a social scheduling tool like Bulk.ly, so that your followers get fresh content regularly.

If you’re serious about attracting attention on social media, consider boosting your post with a paid ad. This is particularly effective on platforms like Tiktok and Facebook.

Don’t Forget About Instagram

With the right evergreen content, you can even use social media channels that aren’t common for most B2B businesses. Instagram is one such example.

Instagram for B2B businesses can be especially fruitful if you find a way to humanize your brand. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by sharing fun and unique brand-related content.

So, be on the lookout for the evergreen content ideas that highlight your company culture, provide industry-relevant tips and tricks, promote team-building activities, etc. Sharing influencer quotes is another excellent Instagram Growth hack (provided they’re relevant to your brand).

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8 Best B2B Blogging Ideas to Promote on Social Media

With that being said, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Below we’ve listed eight of our favorite B2B blogging ideas to help you hit the ground running with your evergreen content strategy:

Share Blog Posts You’ve Been Featured or Mentioned In

As many as 87% of buying decisions begin with online research. This number tells us that your customers are looking for social proof before committing their hard-earned cash to your products or services. This could be reviews, recommendations, case studies, customer stories, surveys in which you participated, etc. That’s why content generated by your clients and peers is so valuable.

Therefore, the most straightforward form of evergreen content to use are pieces that mention or feature you in them.

The benefits are plain:

  • You’re not tasked with producing new content, so you save tons of time.
  • You benefit from the credibility that comes with reliable social proof.
  • It’s a great way to network. Be sure to publicly thank the writer on social media and encourage other followers to read that piece.

Quote Your Own Blog Posts

Keeping your blog alive with fresh content is time-consuming. But populating your social media with said blog content doesn’t have to be. If you already have high-quality long-form content, you’ll undoubtedly have a vast range of helpful tips and tricks, stats, observations, etc., to repurpose.

So, why not catch your reader’s attention with a punchy quote from one of your blog posts? This works incredibly well on Twitter, where a short and snappy line is all you need! Over time, you can call attention to different sections of your blog post, making your posts relevant to different segments of your audience. This makes it possible to capitalize on the same blog post again and again!

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Essential Guides

One of the best types of evergreen content is essential guides. These tend to be ‘how-to’ or ‘tutorial’ style articles and are excellent for communicating to your audience that you are an expert in a specific field. The trick is to pick a topic that won’t go out of date. That way, you can be sure you’ll provide readers with value for a long time to come.

For example, guides based on fundamental skills to your sector are less likely to change over time. In contrast, specific software guides might be subject to updates.

Pro Tip: You can even promote your own business inside your guides by providing tips on using your products or services— it’s a win-win! Just like what Droppe promotes their safety shoes.

Templates and Checklists

Templates and checklists are easy to promote on social media as they provide followers with quick take-aways and immediate and practical value.

Here are a couple of ways to offer this kind of content:

  • Provide templates or checklists inside your blog posts. This allows you to attract visitors to your site with SEO or to promote them on social media.
  • If you’re looking to build your email list, offer templates and checklists as free giveaways in exchange for your reader’s email address.

No matter the industry, there are plenty of template ideas out there. For example:

…and much more!

Just make sure your templates match your area of expertise and provide value to your target audience. For example, suppose you’re a PEO company. In that case, you could throw in a checklist of how to onboard a temporary employee.

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Interview Influencers in Your Field

Influencer marketing is on the rise. So much so that 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations when making a purchase decision.

Working with the right influencers could massively boost your social media strategy. Many influencers are open to sponsorship opportunities and partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Not to mention, an influencer campaign can help to add authenticity to your brand. Inviting an influencer to be a part of your social media campaign can provide a human touch and social proof that can reaffirm your brand’s values and make your B2B business stand out.

Influencers are also a significant investment in terms of their follower capital. Typically, influencers continuously work towards growing their own audiences who keep up with their recommendations and experiences. This means you can build a profitable, long-lasting relationship and potentially continue to reach their audience in the future.

Interviewing influencers in your field is one way to approach this promotion strategy. Their followers will be curious about what they have to say and visit your site to find out more. Like quoting your own blog posts, you can do something similar with the transcripts of these interviews again and again.

User-Generated Content

Earlier, we mentioned how promoting the content you’re featured in can help your business. But you don’t have to wait around for this content to pop up on its own. Instead, proactively find bloggers willing to promote your business. Why not invite active bloggers to write guest posts for your site, including social proof of their own experience with your products and services?

You can use tools like Respona to identify bloggers that have written reviews about products in your niche before and go from there. Reviewers might be eager to get their hands on your products to get acquainted. Incentivizing an article could be as easy as sending them your product for free and encouraging them to share their honest opinion.

To help incentivize shoutouts, you could even establish your own affiliate program, where you pay a commission on any sale generated by an affiliate content creator. It’s an excellent way for both of you to make money and gain more mentions on the web.

Publish Stats About Your Field (With Infographics!)

Most users quickly scroll past social media content. That’s why you should use visuals in all of your social media posts to help grand your readers’ attention. An engaging visual like an infographic is an excellent way to do just that. You can pair infographics with your own white papers and studies.

Suppose you regularly conduct industry research to influence your product design. In that case, there’s no reason not to share it and profit from the extra traffic. This is yet another way to show you really know what you’re talking about.

Infographics are relatively quick to whip up, make your post more shareable, and help viewers digest stats much quicker.


We’d be remiss not to point out one of the quickest and easiest ways of creating social media content: memes.

According to Forbes, meme marketing is an effective strategy for B2B and B2C businesses alike, and it’s here to stay.

Simply use a meme generator to pick a popular meme and add your own text. Memes work incredibly well if you’re looking to appeal to younger audiences. Not to mention, they go a long way to brightening up your readers’ day. After all, people love to laugh. When you provide entertainment, you give your followers a good reason to keep up to date with your social media presence.

This sort of positivity also does wonders for your brand perception. This is especially true if you can use memes to demonstrate your witty, fun, and approachable brand. Memes are also incredibly shareable, so they’re a fantastic way to expand your reach and get more eyes on your social media.

However, there’s one downside to memes; they’re not as reusable as the other types of content listed here. While they’re always handy and quick to churn out, some memes come with an expiration date. This is true for any meme that comments on current events. That said, there are also plenty of evergreen memes that use older pop culture references that won’t need refreshing as frequently.

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Start Using Evergreen Content for Your B2B Social Media Marketing Strategy

Evergreen blog content is an effective way to fuel your social media marketing strategy for your B2B business. As a professional marketer to other marketers, use this as an opportunity to highlight your expertise and knowledge. Guides, user reviews, templates, and studies never go out of fashion.

Use quotes, infographics, and shoutouts to quickly grab the reader’s attention on social media. But, don’t forget a personal touch and what it can do on social media channels like Instagram. Don’t shy away from showing your humanity with memes and influencer marketing!

Use these evergreen B2B blogging ideas to get inspired and boost your inbound marketing strategy today. Which type of content is pulling the most weight for you? Let us know in the comments box below.

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