

Social Media Lead Generation: Get More Leads With These Strategies

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  • Social Media Lead Generation: Get More Leads With These Strategies

A great number of marketers have this approach that social media is just a place for edifying brand reputation and individuality. It cannot contribute to increasing your brand sales. After all, who buys a product after watching a YouTube video or reading a tweet?

It seems weird, right.

Reality is that by implementing the right strategies, you can attract more customers towards your brand through social media lead generation. Social media is much more growing your online business and connecting with your current clients.

Approximately 71% of the small to mid-size companies are using social media platforms for promoting their products out if only 52% of the post content daily (here’s even more lead generation stats). You can increase your business revenue by generating leads on social media. You can make use of your creativity and post content on your social media that will help you grow your business.

If you don’t give much importance to lead generation, you won’t be getting the social media ROI you expect from all your hard work. It’s high time you learn the right tactics to generate leads on your social media account.

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Linking Lead Generation with Social Media

Let’s first understand what lead generation is. This is an essential step for every business to get more sales. When clients ask for product detail, this shows that they are interested in the products you are offering. Now, it depends on your ability to turn them into your clients.

When a brand is selling its products or offering services to their clients, what they need the most is generating leads. When a brand can secure a lead through their social media accounts, they need to nurture it with valuable content. This is termed as lead nurturing. This way, a brand will be able to convert the lead into a long term client. Lead generation is like getting to know your customer’s interest and what sort of products can eventually convert them into clients.

Previously, leads were generated through survey forms, but the emergence of social media completely transformed the way business is done.

Social media platform makes it much easier for the business to find their targeted audience and convert them into sales leads. An active post about any of your products will help you increase your followers. Since everything is done online, it is easier to collect data on each of your leads.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform

One of the crucial mistakes you make when you begin to work on building your brand’s online presence is trying to get leads from the wrong social media platform. Rather than randomly choosing a social media platform for your business, you need first to know about your target audience. Individuals are more likely to assume that Facebook is a good choice to begin selling online, but that’s is not always the case.

For B2B marketers, LinkedIn should be their first priory. Around 44% of businesses can get leads through the LinkedIn platform. Facebook comes in the second and then Twitter. The best way to decide the right platform for your business is by knowing your audience, defining your goals, and finding the audience by analyzing the user’s demographics.

Social Media Lead Generation On Facebook

Consider you have chosen Facebook as your business platform. There are 2.54 billion active users that use it to build relationships and contacts with long-distance and old friends. Facebook can be a good platform for finding loyal clients, but the biggest hurdle many brands encounter is reaching the new audience ad growing their followers.

You have carefully considered your business goals to generate leads through Facebook. For a new brand, Facebook might not be a great option. But if you are looking for a long term and dedicated clients, then creating your business page of Facebook can be fruitful.

Social Media Lead Generation On Instagram

Another fastest growing social media platform these days is Instagram, particularly among the young generation. It totally relies on photos and videos and can help marketers generate lead through it and convert them into sales. If you are having a visual-based business such as art, food, clothes, makeup, or traveling, then Instagram is a good enough platform for user engagement. All you need to do is create compelling posts that can get you more likes and followers.

Social Media Lead Generation On LinkedIn

Next comes LinkedIn. Currently, it has 80 million active users and is being mostly utilized by the older generation. Most of the users on this platform are among the ages 25 to 50. This social media platform is mostly used by the individual’s job searching and building their network professionally.

This platform is quite narrow and unique, making it useful in generating leads for B2B businesses, recruiting potential employees, and general networking. The process of lead generation is a bit different on LinkedIn. Still, the strategies we are sharing can help you in getting more significant leads irrespective of the platform you are using for your business.

Effective Strategies for Social Media Lead Generation

Now that you have established your business on an online platform, the next step for you is to capture leads and expand it. Lead generation is one of the biggest challenges many marketers face, but social media can greatly contribute to tackling this task. Here some of the effective strategies that can help you in generating quality lead through social media platforms.

Profile Optimization

Before you decide to launch your lead generation campaign on your social media, you need to make sure that every detail is present on your page. From contact details, to sign up icons as well as shop now button must be present to get people to follow your brand page. The contract specifications for your business must be present, making it easier for people to ask you about your products and services.

You must have a customer support agent who immediately caters to the client’s queries. Depending on your business nature as well as the platform, you need to add sign up feature for newsletter subscription or shop now like the one provided on Instagram to lead your client to your brand website. Also, you can take benefit by linking your bio on your Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest page.

User-friendly Landing Page

Several times when the clients decide to click on your provided link, they had to face huge disappointment due to a chaotic landing page. You need to make sure your landing page attractive and user friendly. Customers expect to easily find the information when they click on the given link and when you need to generate leads, you better not dissatisfy them. A decent landing page can be scanned easily, providing individuals with a clear direction to find relevant information.

If you have attached a form, they try to keep it simple and short. Asking too many as well as sensitive questions will result in losing your leads. A good approach is to provide your clients with a pre-filled form making it easier for them to complete it.

Considering the example of some reputable firms offering to buy essay UK services that has inculcated this strategy making it feasible for the students to ask for the assignment services.

Offering Discounts

One biggest factor that helps in attracting hundreds of people towards your brand page is offering them discount codes. You can easily increase your brand demand and sales by flashing deals and discounts on your various products. Create an effective strategy by including a strong call to action that would build a sense of urgency among the clients compelling them to check and buy your product.

There is a greater chance that people will respond to your lead campaign by flashing those deals. Many small to medium businesses are implementing this strategy to generate leads and convert them into sales.

Discounts can also be used to get people into the store if your data shows that you sell better in-store. You can give discounts coupons that only work if they purchase in person. And when they visit the store you can top up the discounts with extra discounts such as cash discounts and get people to buy even more products. You will save on the surcharge fee as people won’t be buying online, so offering that extra discount won’t lead to a further loss.

Marketing Gated Content

Gated content marketing is one of the simplest techniques of generating leads on social media. These online platforms are a great way to share your creative content with the world. Develop such kind of posts that direct the visitors to your landing page. Your content must be creative enough to catch the visitor’s attention prompting the visitor to sign up for newsletters or fill out the form helping you to generate leads as well as nurture your old clients.

One of the significant elements that should not be overlooked is adding visual content such as videos or attractive pictures to get the audience responses. People only need a few minutes to decide whether they should follow your brand or not.

Therefore, ensure that your brand’s landing page is simple, and the content is catchy enough to compel the readers to share their information with your page. You should give your audience a good reason that prompts them to sign up on your page, whether it’s a valuable newsletter, rewards, or quality products.


Hashtags are an important part when you are using Instagram or YouTube for brand awareness. It helps is differentiating your business page for your competitors and allows you to generate leads and create the brand identity. Most of the people find brands through these hashtags.

When people are surfing through Instagram pages, certain hashtags pop up on the screen. This is because of the pages you are following. More likely, they’ll click those hashtags and find your brand.

This is and the great way many will find out about your brand and become your follower. Make sure you use brand-specific and personalized hashtags, making it easier for the audience to find your brand. Create unique and simple hashtags to aiding the potential clients to find your posts.

This strategy spreads like a “New word of the mouth,” but through social media. Start adding hashtags on your posts, but make sure not to overload it various hashtags. This will keep on spreading and building your followers. Your task is to come up with creative hashtags that can track back to your brand page.

Going Live on Social Media

Live streaming is quite trending these days. Although it’s not an old feature, many brands are using it to engage their audience and capturing leads. A survey suggests that around 80% of the people will prefer to watch a live video rather than reading a full post.

Live streaming can help you in knowing your target audience’s interest and communicate your brand values that will help in building strong connections with them. It’s not necessary to focus your live videos only on your service or products. You can ask questions for the audience to remove all their doubts about your brand. This is one of the highly effective ways to generate leads.

Paid Advertisements

Since a lot of changes are made in social media algorithms, promoting your brand through advertisements is becoming more and more essential. The purpose of these updates is to provide the user with more personalized content. Therefore, a combination of organic posts with paid ads to get to your post seen by the relevant clients. Every social media platform has its own criteria for ads, understand it, and target the options that will ensure your ads are going to the right customers.

Promotions Through Influencers

Influencers are gaining much importance nowadays. They can be a good source of creating brand awareness and capturing leads for your business. There are a micro and macro-influencers present on social media platforms. They can be of great help in increasing your followers as people highly trust their reviews about a brand. You can ask an influencer to use your brand-specific hashtags or promote your discount codes to direct their followers towards your brand page.

Sweep Stakes

Another effective tactic to promote your brand on social media is through holding contests or sweepstakes or offering giveaways. These types of campaigns can be a source of enjoyment for a lot of people, giving you an opportunity to get more data on your leads. For example, a good way is to share a post on your page and prompt your followers to tag friends, like and share your page to take part in the contest. This way, more and more people will get to know about your brand.

Gathering Insights

Insights are a vital part when you are gathering social media leads. The best way is to use Google analytics and get to know about your leads as well as which platform is capturing more leads for your brand page. Increase your efforts in that platform to help you in expanding your business and converting them into sales.

Conclusion about Social Media Lead Generation

Lead generation cannot be done in a fraction of minutes or days. It takes time and requires a lot of patience and effort from your side. Constant efforts and implementing these strategies will help you get more followers on your brand page. Social media is the best and cost-effective platform for creating brand awareness and capturing more leads.

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